Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 5

Its week 5 now and for today, we prepared our outline of the project and the presentation.


Essential idea and style
  1. Documentary on club people
The documentary will be made in the form of interview. The interviewer will be asking people near nightclubs what they are wearing, where them got their clothes from and how much it costs (approximately). The purpose of this documentary is to show different ways how people find their outfits and might contain some interesting and unexpected results. Humorous, glamorous and colourful.

  1. Interactive fiction
Second video is an interactive fiction, which is telling story of an average student’s day in the style of a game. The video is teaching how to manage money spending. A viewer has his/her own choice what to do and how to spend the amount of money, which they received in the beginning of the game. The task is to spend less money and have more “fun”.

We have targeted a wide range of people in some of our previous campaigns, but for our ‘Old School’ campaign we have chosen to focus on tertiary students, who are faced with both the financial difficulties of university life as well as the societal pressure to spend increasingly large amounts of money on whatever items are deemed ‘fashionable’ by the media and their peer group.
The target audience can shortly be described as generation Y (17-25) international and local university students, male and female. The target demographic has short attention spans, want everything now, love “stuff” and are addicted to internet (Huntley, 2006). The hypothesis needs to be proven by academic and independent research among Insearch and UTS students.

Distribution platform
The videos will be distributed through the internet on such websites as, and our campaign website. Second video might be further distributed as an iPhone application.

3 to 5 min

Logistics (location, crew, actors, technical)
Location: near clubs on George st, Kings Cross, Oxford st, New Town.
Crew: camera operator and cinematographer – Nicole, light and sound – Ying, director and editor – Val, writer and producer – Anita.
Actors: no actors, real people.
Technical: the kit + light.

5 to 10 min

Example (if it has been made already)
‘Journey to the End of Coal’

Logistics (location, crew, actors, technical)
Location: several places including “home place”, “cafĂ©”, “clothing shop”, etc.
Crew: camera operator and cinematographer – Nicole, light and sound – Ying, director, writer and editor – Val, producer – Anita and a photographer.
Technical: the kit + photo camera.

Draft script
1. Black screen
2. The title of the game (campaign) appears.
3. Text "Select a gender before you start".
4. Video. First point of view though character's eyes: opening the eyes, the lying on the bed. Sits, looks around the room. Its messy, clothes on the floor, etc.
5. Still photograph of the same room.
6. Instructional text appears on the top.
7. Control button appear in the right bottom corner.

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